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Order Books/Get a Quote

To place an order for books or to get a quote, contact:

Meg Bacik - 800-236-7323 ext. 206

Roy Normington - 800-236-7323 ext. 205

Customize your order

To learn about how we can customize any book order for you, contact:

Michael Jantz  - 800-236-7323 ext. 112.

Author Services

If you're an author and want to learn more about what we can do to help, contact:

Aaron Schleicher - 800-236-7323 ext. 204

Michael Jantz - 800-236-7323 ext. 112.


To learn more about writing opportunities with our website, ChangeThis, contact:

Dylan Schleicher  - 800-236-7323 ext. 233.


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544 S. 1st Street

Milwaukee, WI 53204

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Other requests and info:

If you have any other requests or are seeking information about our services, publishing, or business books, contact our general manager:

Sally Haldorson - 800-236-7323 ext. 243